Peep Hole Covers

D&N Engineering Fabrication  shop operates out of Newcastle NSW Australia in a facility that allows us to provide you with only the best Custom Fabrication and assembly of all manufactured parts and components.

Temperature Specialists

D&N Engineering has been custom manufacturing equipment for Aluminum smelters for over 55 years.

Using special techniques pressing the metal forging into desired shapes appose to welding and weakening the grain density of the material.

Using this unique process allows the product to out perform equipment used from yester year. 

Having a proven track record of understanding high temperature requirements of different alloys trialed tested and proven over years of research and development D&N Engineering out performs.

Repairable Peep Hole


  • Replacement Gaskets Available
  • High in Nickel Can
  • 310mm Lid
  • Non-Toxic Gaskets.
  • High Temperature Exposure.
  • Replaceable Can
  • Lighter Weight 
  • Precision Stamped Can
  • R-clip Design
  • Rolled Edge Lid
  • Rope Seal High Temperature
peep hole cover top

Pressed Round Can

peep hole cover botom

Radius of Can

  • 190 mm diameter

D&N ENgineering Supplies CNC Machine Workshop